Kyle David Stoetzel Memorial Scholarship


All Round Rock ISD Fine Arts Academy graduating Seniors whose primary goal is to become a Fine Arts teacher in the public or private sector upon graduation, demonstrates community service history such as Volunteer and Leadership activities, and who has overcome adversity to be accepted to college or university.

Cedar Ridge High School Class of 2016, Inspiring Generations to Come Round Rock, son, and inspiration Kyle Stoetzel, lost his life recently leaving a huge void in the fine arts community.

Why were Kyle’s contributions unique to our Round Rock community and why is this important to RRISD? As a kindergartner Kyle’s Forest Creek Elementary teacher identified him as a child in need of Special Education. In the years that followed, he received continual support in the areas of speech, written expression, and thought processing/reasoning skills, with an emphasis to improve his ability to learn. Kyle’s Special Education services continued into Ridgeview Middle School. It is here that he found his talent and passion for life and music. This discovery led Kyle to receive a first division rating at the UIL Region for both tuba and euphonium as an 8th grader.

As Kyle entered Cedar Ridge High School his academic performance demonstrated that he no longer needed Special Education services. As a Raider, Kyle was a prolific and talented member of the Round Rock Fine Arts Programs. He was the Cedar Ridge Band President and John Philip Sousa Award winner for leadership and musical excellence. Kyle became an Eagle scout, and at graduation had more than 100 hours of community service. While in high school Kyle often worked nights and weekends at FLIX Brewhouse to earn money for college. Moreover, Kyle took and successfully passed advanced placement classes which positioned him to apply and be accepted by three Texas public universities.

Upon graduation, Kyle continued a fine arts education at Texas State University. As a freshman Kyle performed with the top organization, the Wind Symphony, as well as the Bobcat Marching Band, Tuba Studio, Brass Choirs, and Pit Orchestras. He was also a dedicated and active member of Phi Mu Alpha music service fraternity. Kyle was in the Men’s Glee Club (Symphonia) that often sang for charity events. Kyle was always interested in theater and found ways to demonstrate that acting is fun during his Boy Scout camp outs and volunteer projects, in addition to high school and college skits. Kyle’s enthusiasm for life touched everyone around him.

As you can see, Kyle progressed from a special needs child to a very accomplished student, musician, volunteer, and leader. At Texas State he was very successful in the music and leadership programs and was an inspiration to many students. Kyle’s dream was to become a Middle School or High School Band Director. When Kyle was a 20-year-old Texas State student, he tragically lost his life due to a medical condition which caused a fatal seizure.

We feel that Kyle’s short but very accomplished journey will serve as a testimonial and inspiration to future students; a shining example of how passion and dogged determination can lead one to the most purposeful of lives. Kyle’s legacy can best be summed up in the testimonial of a musician Kyle helped: Wahjaifran: “I’m always going to remember all you did to help others be better. You didn’t have to stay after school and help me with breathing techniques, but you did. You didn’t have to talk to me at work about all the dumb nerdy band and superhero stuff, but you did. I’m not going to act like I was one of your best friends in the world, but you made a massive impact on my life, one way or the other. Here’s to one of the best leaders I ever had.”

Yvonne and Bill, Kyle’s parents, would like to fund a memorial scholarship as a tribute to his passion for music and his desire to inspire others. All Round Rock ISD Fine Arts graduating Seniors whose primary goal is to become a Fine Arts teacher in the public or private sector upon graduation, demonstrates community service, and who has overcome adversity to be accepted to a college or university.