Samsung gives $25,000 to help Round Rock ISD meet student needs due to school closures


To assist school systems with their transition to remote learning, Samsung has provided nearly $3 million to support schools across the country. Round Rock ISD received $25,000 from Samsung — money that helped provide internet access and critical supplies to students in need.

The donation was made to the Round Rock ISD Partners in Education Foundation (PIE) and earmarked specifically for needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“As the District transitioned to online at home course work for all students, the unexpected need for school supplies and hot spots became glaringly apparent. With the generous support from Samsung, the PIE Foundation was able to offset the cost of 4,000 at-home school supplies kits and 200 hot spots,” Marianne Reap, executive director of Round Rock ISD Partners in Education Foundation, said. “We are sincerely grateful for their community support during this time of uncertainty.”

The original article is posted here.